Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kitchen Curtains

I'm all for using what you have on hand to make a room pop. I also repurpose things that are designated for other places in order to add that certain level of flair to a space. Case in point: curtains.

I had these .79 cent towels laying around from Ikea and wanted to dress our windows up. I thought it would add pinache to our nook and a bit of privacy as well. Okay, not as much as you would get with conventional curtains, but that's what the blinds are for!

End result is cute, I have no complaints... my husband doesn't mind either, seeing that it only cost just under $8.00 to achieve. Compare that to roman shades - yes, one day when I master a certain DIY project and a sewing machine - and you're saving a bundle.

Easy to close "panels"

A va-va-voom valance

 Completes the nook-look

 Bottom towels are strung along a clothes line

A 'star' project indeed!

So, what are your thoughts? Oh yes, forgot to mention that no sewing required -- even better! 

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