Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Star(fish) Ornaments


 My house Santa's Workshop has been bustling over the last week. I've enlisted my favorite little elf to help gather things from around the house and repurpose them. Ornament-making never seemed like so much fun, now its all I want to do! Of course, none of this would be complete without hot cocoa and festive tunes. I'm a total Christmas junkie!

Following my popular Cinnamon Stick ornament (thank you Pinterest fans!!), I came up with a few things in between, which I will also post over the next days. 
Today I'm featuring a little "sweater" for our very summery and very beachy starfish. That's right. We live absolutely no where near a beach, but I have a jar full of these little guys and gals. Stars go so well with Christmas, so I wanted to integrate a fun and wintery way to display these gems. 

There's something about fuzzy wool, especially in muted wintery colors. Ahhh.... and today its snowing in our part of the world, so the picture couldn't be more complete! Except having a pair of super plush and cozy woolen socks  -- Santa, are you listening? 

Okay, now down to business. 

  • Starfish 
  • Wool 

(that's it!)

Start with your first 'leg'. Create a loop at the top and begin wrapping.

That loop will help the ornament hang.

Continue to wrap around each one until its covered.

Once its wrapped, cut the yarn in the back and secure it around itself.

Get creative and do different colors and textures and cater it to the person you want to give it to...

Certainly these aren't just limited to hanging on a tree. You can put them anywhere for a quirky and festive look!

Happy little dapper starfish.... 

This elf is signing off for now... time to leave my post and make a snowman outside! 

I'd love to know what you think of this creation and how you personalize your own!!


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